So its official, we have traded in the rose, baguette et
fromage along the Cote D’Azur after a fabulous four and a half years for Thai
green curry, buckets of spirits, neon painted faces and ‘peel-able’ mango’s.
It’s a shock to say the very least, from one foreign language [that we
marginally understood and spoke very little of] to a language that I cant even
read or identify a letter let alone speak it.
So Et Voila… I mean tvxz ÎÍzf.
And boy … are we
learning quick.
So I figure, us
being over here must come in some use to the 4 million tourists that Phuket
alone sees every year [told ya, learning quick!] This for a island of only a
registered 500 000 people, but I’m told by some locals its double that due to
the Burmese strolling over the boarder [Sjho sjho sjho, learning!!]
So a few helpful
pearls of wisdom that we have either learnt quickly
or the hard way I have jotted down for your benefit.
- On arrival you
get a departure and arrival card that you fill out on the plane and hand in to
the guy at customs. This piece of paper is something you NEED to keep. They
don’t say it and the amount of these pieces of paper all over makes one think
you can fill it out when you leave. However it has a corresponding code that
they match up for your arrival and departure, so they quite like it. If you
loose it, or throw it away by a mistake then you are either liable for a fee,
which when asked, is at the discretion of the security personnel [in some
countries that is called a bribe] or simply money in exchange for them to make
a plan [in other words … a bribe]
- Test your driver,
your receptionist, waiter, bartender, shop attendant or anyone who claims to
understand you. For example; “Is this the right way to the marina?” “Yes”, “Are
you sure, we seem to be heading away from the beach?” “yes”, Now comes the
test. “Is this the wrong way to the marina?” “Yes”. Case in point.
- Tipping is
apparently NOT a thing here. Obviously coming from four and a half years on a
yacht where tips were our glory days, I’m always inclined to leave something.
But when asking around they simply laughed and said if you REALLY want to “if
the service was really good’ then leave 20 Thai Baht [which is nothing] We
found this out after tipping 10% at every restaurant and thinking to ourselves
that these people are just so happy. Lesson learnt.
So...Pretty much everything and sprite! Ok then! |
- I remember
writing about this on my first visit to Thailand but I feel that for first
timers you have to have to get your
head around the idea that there are only two
physical states whilst in Thailand. The ‘runs’ and then nothing at all. It
sounds gross but trust me the plug is either in or its OUT!
Its not a tough life :) |
- Must haves being, hand sanitizer, wipes
of some sort [for the filth, for the sweat or simply to cool you down] and as
much mozzy stuff as you can. It is cheap over here but you do not want to
arrive unprepared, you will be eaten alive.
- When saying
thanks throw in the head bow and the hands. It’s a nice touch.
Only a few to
get you started for now but rest assured the more mistakes we make, and we
will, ill be sure to fill you in.
So for now … tvxz ÎÍzf. tvxz ÎÍzf. [or frenetically, Laaaa Kooorrrnnn
Kaaaaaaaaaa] See… learning!
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