Sunday, 11 March 2012

"Every little thing, is gonna be ..."

To be completely honest I was never very up-to-date when it came to current events and general knowledge growing up. When asked in a general knowledge quiz at school “where am I… I have visited Piccadilly Circus, Leicester Square and Bond Street” I was confident I was in the Monopoly board. Well, I wasn’t wrong now was I? I was never very interested in the news, it made me sad, depressed and doubt the humanity of people, so why should I cloud my sunny disposition, all-smiles approach to life with death statistics, war torn nations and the never ending food fight they call politics. I am in no way trying to promote what some may call my “Ignorance” while I call it my “Choice”.

Being without a permanent job and only one channel on T.V, which happens to be the news, I feel that I am currently a ‘Stu-in-the-loop’. All day I have watched Syrians be gunned down, die of starvation, injuries and perish while the world debates whether or not to go in and Intervene in order to protect and save the people, I mean oil, no I mean people. Now I don’t care how hard ass you are that’s some pretty depressing sh*t. Luckily while those reporters take a break they switch over to children dying of starvation in Sudan, the Greeks rioting instead of trying to dig their way out of their current crisis and even your run of the mill woman selling genetically engineered designer babies.


 Since I’m a South African my Facebook is rotting with images of the horrors of Rhino horn killings. As mortifying as they are I do think the world should keep seeing what certain Nations would do for a hard on (No names mentioned but keep hanging in there with those chopsticks guys). It’s not just on my home soil that I’m disgusted by what people will do for greed. If someone would be so kind as to enlighten me on how whaling is still going on after all these years, how is that an actual industry and to what end will we stop killing?

I tend to lean to the positive when it comes to all human beings but when your on the verge of completely wiping out the worlds rhino’s, depleting the whale population amongst other atrocities to animals that we overlook due to GREED, don’t you think enough is enough!

So I now need a job more than ever to try avoid the news, this occupational hazard is haunting my dreams and I’m running out of tears.

Since Wednesday when the Kony 2012 campaign was launched I have not slept a wink. Yes I see the caution lights going off, the debate on if its good or bad and the typical “oh my god” American video but I cant help but think that if someone has gotten away with this many crimes against humanity then why shouldn’t we shine the spot light on him. They say media controls the world, and if there isn’t enough benefit for countries to intervene like in Syria, Iran, Egypt, Tunisia, trust me I could go on, then maybe we should. Your average Jo (and Stu in this case) could maybe not make a direct impact but at the very least a ripple.
I know this isn’t my usual yarn about the joys of life, laughter and rose filled stories but as much as one tries to be a good human being, do what you can where you can, trying not to add to the greed, the ignorance and the disgrace that we see everyday on TV, Facebook, You Tube and almost everywhere you turn, maybe we need reminding. This is more of a “use it, don’t use it” in whatever way that may be scenario, however little however large, the world is an angry place currently and if I can try add even a smirk to its face then it’s a good day.

Sad Stu signing out – as unlike me as it is : (

1 comment:

  1. Couldn't agree more. The human race has lost the plot... and we can't go on like we are at the moment and not expect some serious consequenses.
    Two words.
    Greed and selfishness.
    Take away those two words and see how everything changes.
    What the world needs now (I'm sure there's a song that starts like this) is a whole bunch of benevelent dictators ... if you're honest, caring, happy and work for the general good (of the family, the company, the country, the planet)then all is cool. If you don't and step out of line by half a fricking centimeter then you lose your head.
    But hey, that's just me and it's never going to happen so...
