My humblest apologies for the two week drought here on 'Sam-In-A-Can', and what's worse is that I don’t even have a good excuse for my
readers, for this I am sorry…again. So here’s the important stuff for you.
-Yes I am still
happily unemployed but actively seeking employment – a lot of positive words in
that last sentence hey.
-I have started having the feeling of wanting to work, which I am trying to suppress but I think it might
be time.
-Yes I am still in Antibes France, in our diamond in the rough penthouse loft over
looking… well…the Cote D’azur.
-And no, Green isn’t a very good colour on you.
-No my French hasn’t improved with this extended period of
time I'll call “me time” for the
purpose of this post, but never the less I am still trying. I even cooked a
packet dessert over here. Hang on a minute; I don’t think you quite understand
the magnitude of this achievement. The instructions were in French…genius I
know. So perhaps in this three-month job
search I have improved my French somewhat. Brilliant!
-I have taken a liking to cooking while unemployed, which
has kept me rather busy, and I have to say, I’m pretty darn good at it too.
With some help from chef friends for a few fab
recipes here and there I made my first pie, my first lasagne, a curry or two,
spring rolls and even hummus just to name a few. All of which done without the
luxuries of things like blenders, measurers and adequate equipment. So a big
pat on the back from myself to myself.
-I have been very conscientious about wearing shoes in the
kitchen, as I do not want to be considered a “barefoot in the kitchen-stay at
home wife” (fiancĂ© at the moment – but you can see my concern). So not to
worry, my shoes are on at all times!!!
-Have had an interview or two but after the weed-train
incident we are avoiding trains as transport to get to and from interviews. Will
keep you updated with how that is going.
-Have watched some cracker movies - source unknown :)
-Have even read a book on my new Kindle. Which I might add
is a fantastic little thing, even for non-readers such as myself. It’s
unbelievably easy to use and download books, you can download Lonely Planet
books for new places your visiting so you can avoid looking like a tourist with
your post-it riddled Lonely Planet. If you don’t have one, I suggest get one,
its cheap enough to be a spoil yourself prezzie.
Permission granted – now go buy one.
-Kindle product placement income is paying for my meal
tonight – grand.
-Have been Googling and investigating weddings (for my
wedding – surprise!) and WOW, they sure aren’t cheap are they. If I didn’t want
the timeless photos and the opportunity to wear a fabulously over-priced dress
I would take the money and …take another six months off. Well deserved some
would say.
My advice to other bride-to-be’s, is don’t do it. Get
married sure (ha ha, got a little worried there didn’t you), but I say take the
money and run, stage a cute little wedding, have a braai where everyone brings
their own food and their own booze and crank the iPod and pass
out on the couch.
That brings me to another point I need help clarifying. Inviting
your friends and family to your wedding where you're paying for them to eat a fabulous creation created by a
fabulous chef at a fabulously large cost (lots of created fabulous-ness here to
devoid you from the cost). Wonderful. Then you’re
forking out a large amount of cash-money-dollar-bills for everyone to have a
drink or two. Wonderful. Then you're
paying some man, who thought being a DJ after school was a RAD idea instead of law
school, sees “wedding function” on the email and the price triples for the
sweet sounds of a CD and him pressing the ‘next’ button. Wonderful. Now correct
me if I’m wrong here, but is that not…
Dinner and a show?
I believe it is, and for that you should pay, right? Why on
earth am I the one dishing out “favours” (why are they called favours anyway)?
So I have two choices here; one being, your gift size and value should double,
or you buy tickets to the wedding? 270 per person and we’ll even do a deal for
couples at 500 a couple. A 3-course dinner, soothing sounds of a swing vocalist
in the gardens, under the sun, while you dance the night away with rose in
hand, shot on the bar and a good night all round – It’s a steal and well worth
it I’d say.
With that in mind, tickets go on sale January the 20th
– Don’t miss out!
Ticket sales office Stu - signing out!!!