If your wondering how
you find yourself reading a blurb of sorts by dear ol moi, I’m in fact asking
the same question (Stalker or stage 3 clinger?) Thrilled however, that you stumbled upon my blog over the never ending supply of How To’ s and House Wife Cooking Connection, so I’m sure you are just as thrilled
as I am. Forgive me for trying to quash the competition and build up the
excitement around a one page post into the fabulous, never before seen or heard
or read for that matter, adventuuuuures (drum roll please) … of me. Don’t worry
I’m no philosophical, organic-preaching, loincloth wearing hippi. In fact I’m
about as normal as they come; however I like to think I have “The touch”
(whatever that ‘touch’ may be I’m not too sure but no one likes to see
themselves as fitting into the worlds giant plan as just another person). I do try to avoid associating myself with
that distasteful word “normal”. Lets be honest, to be normal is to be boring, nothing out of the ordinary, nothing
spectacular or even a slight head turner, just normal. I do take from
it the saner side of things. I’m not for example that cowboy boot wearing kinda
- gal who believes she lives in a western film and unfortunately only fits into
society once a year on Halloween. Nor am I the “a-phobic, non-tolerant,
allergic” types who carry more meds than MJ did. I’m not even the “woo-woo”
girl whose “woo’s “ ascended from a failed cheerleading career (could it even
ever be called a career?) Or even the business tycoon who has conquered men in
her stride and hires a male house cleaner in order not to discriminate against
herself or her gender. I’m just
me. Taking life as it comes, planning for a little bit of everything and
acquiring bucket loads of useless information, the most well rounded, crazy
unique, worldy phone book that ensures a holiday home in just about everywhere
the dart lands on on the map and an intense bordering on creepy love for the
world and the adventures it has given me and is still yet to provide (ATT: World
organiser person, please see list below).
Currently I have
swopped my birth name “Sam-In-A-Can” (cruel parents I know, but it does have a
catchy ring to it), for another less hyphenated yet simple enough while
maintaining the confused look on peoples faces when they find out I’m actually
a girl (Because, Sam, is a boys name – been told it all my life). Sticking to
the traditional three-letter even-if-your-drunk-you-still-remember-my-name
of STU. Pronounced in a slightly
(for lack of a politically correct way of saying “spoken like Helen
Keller”) slow way. So I’m Stu,
derived from being a stewardess upon a super duper luxury super yacht (although
I don’t own the super yacht, I still feel the need to emphasize ‘Super’). ‘Stu’
not only had a good ring to it and had a link that even the most uneducated (STU-pid)
person could connect the two but also because titles such as Maid, Cleaner,
Servant and Slave are too literal for my liking and in any case, taken.
I can see your mouse
already flickering over the red bubble in the top left corner (Compliment to
reader no1: Goooo Mac users, and Product Placement No1: Dear Mac head honcho
guy, please see below for payment details, and … your welcome) But hang on a
minute, I know your thinking me being a maid-slave-servant-do anything I tell
you girl doesn’t sound like it could hold any relevance, insight or even
information (your right on that one, was never the brightest kid in class so if
your looking for educated information your in the wrong place, open up a
separate tab and Google it) Being Stu however, has been one of the most
interesting, unexpected experiences of my life. If this is how I have started
my mid twenties then watch out Blogger Award for the Thirty year olds, I’m in
it to win it.
Stu isn’t someone you would be forever, or even for ten years for that
matter, but for a while it lends itself to an exciting story for the kids and
an ever-colourful Facebook (random
side bar: bizarre how when typing Google it comes up as a normal word with a capital
letter yet Face book gets the squiggly red line under it … keep working at it Mr
Zuckerberg) photos. Each album is either a new country or a new dress up
occasion and we all know dress up parties are on the same level of awesome as
new countries. All I’m saying is give it a chance, its not every day a random
blogger could give you useless information on how to remove that nasty wax on your silk pants
(firstly don’t wear silk pants…ever) to an amusing recount of bum sliding down some mountain in Greece just to have a mid-night swim from which i still have scars down my behind to tell the tale. The life of Stu isn't always ironing and dusting, ironing and vacuuming, ironing and cleaning (a lot of ironing...you can imagine) its an insane ride and I’m itching to get back to work
and get the crazy on – in a manner of speaking.
Its also not only the
guests that allow for such entertainment but the beautifully colourful
crewmembers who literally will do anything for a laugh and a good time (not to
be confused with sexual favours – even though it is known to happen with crew
and guests but for the great people I have met it is more their lust for the
insane, the amazing and the never ending adventures that make them by
themselves a great read). If this doesn’t entice you, being Stu allows me to
take amazing holidays, see crazy things and all this I want to share, and hey,
blogging is for free isn’t it?
So stick around, I’m
here all week (try the veal) ok so more like I’m here till the end I guess and
as short as life is I plan to squeeze out every inch of AWESOME it has to offer
So Sam-In-A-Can taking
on the persona as Stu, signing out for the first time on this blog…